Vitamins and Minerals

Our nutritional horse supplements are produced in association with leading vets and nutritionists to provide the best possible answer for your horse.
Buy Vitamins and Mineral Supplements for Horses
Electrolytes are help to preserve the correct balance of fluids in the horse’s cells and are involved in muscle function and the processing of wastes.
Vitamin E and Selenium are two powerful anti-oxidants that help performance in hard working horses and also provide supplematation of these ingredients in horses who are defiecient for whatever reason.
You may see a difference in your horse in the first 7 days but it takes about a month for the ingredients in the supplement to be fully absorbed in the system and working to their optimum. Most horses show noticeable improvements within 3 months of consistent use.
We recommend giving your horse a supplement at the end of the day.
Yes, you might need to feed your horse supplements if their diet doesn't meet their nutritional needs. Modern horses are reliant on grazing and hard feed which is less diverse than how wild horses would graze, and can lack the vitamins and minerals required to keep a horse healthy.
Yes they do - just ask our happy customers! Our horse supplements are produced in association with leading vets and nutritionists to provide the best possible answer for your horse.